Query : To find DataBase Locking

SELECT o.object_name,
4,'Share',5,'S/Row-X(SSX)',6,'Exclusive(X)') locked_mode,
FROM all_objects o,v$locked_object l,v$session s
WHERE l.session_id = s.sid
AND l.object_id=o.object_id

How : Difference Between Original Cost,Salvage Cost,Net Book Value and Recoverable Cost.

1- The original cost is the amount of money the asset originally costs. This amount may suffer modifications (adjustments) when, for example, you buy an asset for a certain cost but you have to pay other expenses to put it working.

2- The recoverable cost is the portion of the current cost that can be depreciated. It is the current cost less the salvage value less the Investment Tax Credit basis reduction amount. If you specify a depreciation cost ceiling, and if the recoverable cost is greater than that ceiling, Oracle Assets uses the cost ceiling instead.

3- The net book value is defined as: Net Book Value = Current Cost – Total Reserve (Accumulated Depreciation + Bonus Reserve)

4- You can specify a salvage value as a percentage of an asset’s acquisition cost or as an amount. The percentage salvage value will be defaulted from the category default rules if you have default the salvage value percentage at the category level in the Asset Categories window. The salvage value is calculated by multiplying the acquisition cost by the default salvage value percentage. Then you can define a default percentage salvage value at the category level in the Asset Categories window. Oracle Assets calculates the salvage value by multiplying the acquisition cost by the default salvage value percentage for the category, book, and date placed in service. If you specify the salvage value as an amount, you simply enter the amount.

Query : Get the Serial Number for an Order

SELECT wl.meaning release_status
, wdd.released_status
, wdd.source_line_id
, wdd.source_code
, wser.fm_serial_number
, oelines.header_id
, oeheader.sold_to_org_id
, wdd.shipped_quantity
, wdd.delivery_detail_id
FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd
, apps.wsh_lookups wl
, oe_order_headers_all oeheader
, wsh_serial_numbers wser
WHERE 1 = 1
AND wl.lookup_type = 'PICK_STATUS'
AND wl.lookup_code = wdd.released_status
AND wdd.source_code = 'OE'
AND wdd.source_line_id=oelines.line_id
and oelines.header_id = oeheader.header_id
AND WDD.DELIVERY_DETAIL_ID=wser.delivery_detail_id

Query : Get a listing of asset categories with the accounting and depreciation information

SELECT DISTINCT a.segment1||'-'||a.segment2 CATEGORY,
a.segment1 MAJOR_CATEGORY, a.segment2 MINOR_CATEGORY,
gl1.segment1||'-'||gl1.SEGMENT2||'-'||gl1.SEGMENT3||'-'||gl1.SEGMENT4||'-'||gl1.SEGMENT5 ASSET_COST,
gl2.segment1||'-'||gl2.SEGMENT2||'-'||gl2.SEGMENT3||'-'||gl2.SEGMENT4||'-'||gl2.SEGMENT5 ASSET_COST_CLEARING,
gl3.segment1||'-'||gl3.SEGMENT2||'-'||gl3.SEGMENT3||'-'||gl3.SEGMENT4||'-'||gl3.SEGMENT5 DEPRN_RESERVE_ACCOUNT,
deprn_method, life_in_months, (life_in_months/12) lIFE, prorate_convention_code
FROM fa_categories a,
fa_category_books c,
gl_code_combinations gl1,
gl_code_combinations gl2,
gl_code_combinations gl3
WHERE a.category_id = b.category_id
AND c.category_id = b.category_id
AND c.category_id = a.category_id
AND b.book_type_code = c.book_type_code
AND c.book_type_code = 'CORP BOOK'

How : How to enable the DFF for the Lookup?

If you want to enable the DFF and enter some additional entries in Lookups you just need to follow the below steps


Create a DFF

Login to System Administrator
Application -> Flexfield -> Descriptive -> Segments
Search for Application = Application Object Library
Title = Common Lookups

You can see referenced field as "LOOKUP_TYPE"

Now if you want to enable your lookup, you need to uncheck "Freeze Flexfield Definitions" checkbox on the top left the DFF Segments screen.
this enables you to enter new DFF entries.

Now, enter create a line under Context Field Values

Under "Code" enter your lookup ex: XXPHR_DEDUCT_ELEMENTS

Click on Segments

Enter the number, name, prompt, column and value set(if you have one)

save and compile the DFF.

Now, switch the responsibility to Application Developer to see the DFFs enabled in lookup

Open the common lookups screen and query for the lookup name you have given under "Code" of DFF setup.

and thus your DFF is enabled.

Query: Print Customer Address Details

SELECT DISTINCT hca.account_number customer_number,
hp.party_name customer_name,
hps.party_site_number site_number, hl.address1 address1,
hl.address2 address2, hl.address3 address3,
hl.address4 address4, hl.city city,
hl.postal_code postal_code, hl.state state,
ftt.territory_short_name country,
hcsua1.LOCATION bill_to_location,
hcsua2.LOCATION ship_to_location
FROM hz_parties hp,
hz_party_sites hps,
hz_cust_accounts hca,
hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcasa1,
hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsua1,
hz_locations hl,
fnd_territories_tl ftt,
hz_cust_acct_sites_all hcasa2,
hz_cust_site_uses_all hcsua2
WHERE hp.party_id = hps.party_id(+)
AND hp.party_id = hca.party_id(+)
AND hcasa1.party_site_id(+) = hps.party_site_id
AND hcasa2.party_site_id(+) = hps.party_site_id
AND hcsua1.cust_acct_site_id(+) = hcasa1.cust_acct_site_id
AND hcsua2.cust_acct_site_id(+) = hcasa2.cust_acct_site_id
AND hcsua1.site_use_code(+) = 'bill_to'
AND hcsua2.site_use_code(+) = 'ship_to'
AND hcasa1.org_id(+) = fnd_profile.VALUE ('org_id')
AND hcasa2.org_id(+) = fnd_profile.VALUE ('org_id')
AND hps.location_id = hl.location_id
AND hl.country = ftt.territory_code
ORDER BY customer_number;

Query for vendors with their bank account details

SQL query to extract all payabales vendors with their bank account details from the Oracle APPS Database

You can try this query:

SELECT DISTINCT abau.bank_account_uses_id bank_account_uses_id,
abau.end_date end_date,
abau.external_bank_account_id external_bank_account_id,
abau.primary_flag primary_flag,
abau.start_date start_date,
abau.vendor_id vendor_id,
abau.vendor_site_id vendor_site_id,
aba.bank_account_name bank_account_name,
aba.bank_account_num bank_account_num,
aba.bank_account_type bank_account_type,
aba.account_type account_type,
aba.currency_code currency_code,
aba.description bank_account_description,
aba.check_digits check_digits,
aba.multi_currency_flag multi_currency_flag,
abb.bank_name bank_name,
abb.bank_name_alt bank_name_alt,
abb.bank_number bank_number,
abb.bank_branch_name bank_branch_name,
abb.bank_branch_name_alt bank_branch_name_alt,
abb.bank_num bank_num, abb.institution_type institution_type,
abb.bank_branch_type bank_branch_type,
pv.vendor_name vendor_name,
pv.segment1 vendor_number,
pv.vendor_type_lookup_code vendor_type_lookup_code,
pvs.vendor_site_code vendor_site_code,
abb.end_date branch_end_date,
aba.inactive_date acct_inactive_date,
FROM ap_bank_account_uses_all abau,
ap_bank_accounts_all aba,
ap_bank_branches abb,
po_vendors pv,
po_vendor_sites_all pvs
WHERE abau.external_bank_account_id = aba.bank_account_id
AND aba.bank_branch_id = abb.bank_branch_id
AND abau.vendor_id = pv.vendor_id
AND abau.vendor_id = pvs.vendor_id(+)
AND abau.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id(+)

INFO: AIM Document List

Business Process Architecture (BP)

BP.010 Define Business and Process Strategy
BP.020 Catalog and Analyze Potential Changes
BP.030 Determine Data Gathering Requirements
Oracle 11i E-Business Suite from the Front LinesBP.040 Develop Current Process Model
BP.050 Review Leading Practices
BP.060 Develop High-Level Process Vision
BP.070 Develop High-Level Process Design
BP.080 Develop Future Process Model
BP.090 Document Business Procedure

Business Requirements Definition (RD)

RD.010 Identify Current Financial and Operating Structure
RD.020 Conduct Current Business Baseline
RD.030 Establish Process and Mapping Summary
RD.040 Gather Business Volumes and Metrics
RD.050 Gather Business Requirements
RD.060 Determine Audit and Control Requirements
RD.070 Identify Business Availability Requirements
RD.080 Identify Reporting and Information Access Requirements

Business Requirements Mapping

Oracle E-Business Suite 11i: Implementing Core Financial ApplicationsBR.010 Analyze High-Level Gaps
BR.020 Prepare mapping environment
BR.030 Map Business requirements
BR.040 Map Business Data
BR.050 Conduct Integration Fit Analysis
BR.060 Create Information Model
BR.070 Create Reporting Fit Analysis
BR.080 Test Business Solutions
BR.090 Confirm Integrated Business Solutions
BR.100 Define Applications Setup
BR.110 Define security Profiles

Application and Technical Architecture (TA)

TA.010 Define Architecture Requirements and Strategy
Special Edition Using Oracle 11iTA.020 Identify Current Technical Architecture
TA.030 Develop Preliminary Conceptual Architecture
TA.040 Define Application Architecture
TA.050 Define System Availability Strategy
TA.060 Define Reporting and Information Access Strategy
TA.070 Revise Conceptual Architecture
TA.080 Define Application Security Architecture
TA.090 Define Application and Database Server Archtecture
TA.100 Define and Propose Architecture Subsystems
TA.110 Define System Capacity Plan
TA.120 Define Platform and Network Architecture
TA.130 Define Application Deployment Plan
TA.140 Assess Performance Risks
TA.150 Define System Management Procedures

Module Design and Build (MD)
MD.010 Define Application Extension Strategy
MD.020 Define and estimate application extensions
MD.030 Define design standards
MD.040 Define Build Standards
MD.050 Create Application extensions functional design
MD.060 Design Database extensions
MD.070 Create Application extensions technical design
MD.080 Review functional and Technical designs
MD.090 Prepare Development environment
MD.100 Create Database extensions
MD.110 Create Application extension modules
MD.120 Create Installation routines

Data Conversion (CV)
Oracle Applications DBA Covers 11i and R12CV.010 Define data conversion requirements and strategy
CV.020 Define Conversion standards
CV.030 Prepare conversion environment
CV.040 Perform conversion data mapping
CV.050 Define manual conversion procedures
CV.060 Design conversion programs
CV.070 Prepare conversion test plans
CV.080 Develop conversion programs
CV.090 Perform conversion unit tests
CV.100 Perform conversion business objects
CV.110 Perform conversion validation tests
CV.120 Install conversion programs
CV.130 Convert and verify data

Documentation (DO)
Installing, Upgrading and Maintaining Oracle E-Business Suite Applications Release 11.5.10+ (or, Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks - Release 11i Care and FeedingDO.010 Define documentation requirements and strategy
DO.020 Define Documentation standards and procedures
DO.030 Prepare glossary
DO.040 Prepare documentation environment
DO.050 Produce documentation prototypes and templates
DO.060 Publish user reference manual
DO.070 Publish user guide
DO.080 Publish technical reference manual
DO.090 Publish system management guide

Business System Testing (TE)

TE.010 Define testing requirements and strategy
TE.020 Develop unit test script
TE.030 Develop link test script
TE.040 Develop system test script
TE.050 Develop systems integration test script
TE.060 Prepare testing environments
TE.070 Perform unit test
TE.080 Perform link test
TE.090 perform installation test
TE.100 Prepare key users for testing
TE.110 Perform system test
TE.120 Perform systems integration test
TE.130 Perform Acceptance test

Query : to find Session Locking

select o.object_name,
4,'Share',5,'S/Row-X(SSX)',6,'Exclusive(X)') locked_mode,
from all_objects o,v$locked_object l,v$session s
where l.session_id = s.sid
and l.object_id=o.object_id

Important Tables in HRMS

  • Per_all_people_F
  • per_person_types
  • per_person_type_usages
  • per_addresses
  • per_contact_Relationships
  • per_periods_of_service
  • Per_all_assignments_f
  • per_pay_groups
  • per_jobs
  • per_job_Definitions
  • per_grades
  • per_grade_definitions
  • hr_all_positions
  • hr_all_position_definitions
  • hr_all_locations
  • pay_all_payrolls_F
  • pay_element_entry_values_F
  • pay_element_entries_F
  • pay_elements_links_F
  • pay_element_types_F


Key Flexfields (KFFs) in HRMS

  • Job KFF,
  • Grade KFF,
  • People Group KFF,
  • Position KFF,
  • Cost Allocation KFF,
  • Comptence KFF