Query : AP to GL data transfer

SELECT details."Vendor_Num", details."Vendor_Name", details."Prepayment_Num", details."Prepayment_Currency", details."Prepayment_Amount" "Prepayment_Amount", SUM (details."Apply_Amount") "Apply_Amount_Sum" FROM (SELECT pv.segment1 "Vendor_Num", pv.vendor_name "Vendor_Name", ai1.invoice_num "Prepayment_Num", ai1.invoice_currency_code "Prepayment_Currency", ai2.invoice_num "Invoice_Num", ai2.invoice_currency_code "Invoice_Currency", ...

Query :

SELECT round (SUM (cpc.accounted_value), 2) accounted_value, round (SUM (cpc.accounted_onhand_value), 2) accounted_onhand_value, round (SUM (cpc.rollback_onhand_value), 2) rollback_onhand_value, round (SUM (cpc.onhand_value_discrepancy), 2) discrepancy, msi.segment1, cpc.organization_id,oap.period_name FROM inv.org_acct_periods oap, bom.cst_period_close_summary cpc, inv.mtl_system_items_b msi WHERE oap.organization_id = cpc.organization_id AND oap.acct_period_id = cpc.acct_period_id ...

Query : Sales Order Details After Pick Release

SELECT ooh.order_number, ool.line_number, wnd.delivery_id, mtrh.request_number FROM oe_order_headers ooh, oe_order_lines_all ool, wsh_delivery_details wdd, wsh_new_deliveries wnd, wsh_delivery_assignments wda, mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl, mtl_txn_reuest_headers mtrh WHERE ooh.order_number = --Order Number Input Parameter AND ool.header_id = ooh.header_id AND ool.line_id = wdd.source_line_id AND wdd.delivery_detail_id = wda.delivery_detail_id...

Query : That list of all employees with their positions, organizations and usernames.

SELECT papf.full_name, fu.user_name, hapf.NAME Position, haou.NAME Organzation, asg.primary_flag AS "Primary Position", papf.person_id FROM fnd_user fu, per_all_people_f papf, per_all_assignments_f asg, hr_all_positions_f hapf, hr_all_organization_units haou WHERE papf.person_id = asg.person_id(+) AND SYSDATE BETWEEN papf.effective_start_date AND papf.effective_end_date AND SYSDATE BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date AND asg.effective_end_date...

Query : To extract Unposted Journals in the Set Of Book

select glsob.name "gl book", gljb.name "batch name" , gljh.name "journal name", gljh.period_name , decode (gljh.status ,'u','unposted',gljh.status) status, gljh.je_category category , gljh.je_source source , gljh.currency_code currency , gljh.running_total_dr "entered amount dr" , gljh.running_total_accounted_dr "accounted amount dr" , gljh.running_total_cr "entered amount cr", gljh.running_total_accounted_cr "accounted amount cr" from gl_je_headers gljh, gl_je_batches gljb , gl_sets_of_books glsob where gljb.je_batch_id...

Query : To get the fiscal year name

select calendar_type, description, period_suffix_type, number_per_fiscal_year, fiscal_year_name from fa_calendar_types where calendar_type='&calendertyp...

Query : To get the calendar information

select calendar_type, start_date, end_date, period_num, period_name from fa_calendar_periods where calendar_type='&calendertype' order by...