Query : to find the process in Workflow using a known function name or Activity name

wat1.display_name "process name",wat.display_name "activity name",wa.function "function"
from wf_process_activities wpa
,wf_activities_tl wat
,wf_activities_tl wat1
,wf_activities wa
where wpa.activity_item_type = wa.item_type
and wpa.instance_label = wa.name
and wat.item_type = wa.item_type
and wat.version = wa.version
and wat.language = 'US'
and wat.name = wa.name
and wat1.name = wpa.process_name
and wat1.item_type = wat.item_type
and wat1.version = wat.version
and wat1.language = wat.language
and wat1.version = wpa.process_version
and (upper(wa.function) like '%'||upper('&func_name')||'%' or (wa.FUNCTION IS NULL AND '&func_name'='%'))
and (upper(wat.display_name) like '%'||upper('&act_name')||'%' or (wat.display_name IS NULL AND '&act_name'='%'))

Using this query we can find the workflow process name where the given function name or activity is being called.


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