SELECT c.code_combination_id, h.je_header_id, l.ae_header_id, l.ae_line_num, te.source_id_int_1, te.application_id, te.entity_id,
s.segment1 as supplier_no,
l.event_class_code as event_class, i.invoice_id, ad.invoice_distribution_id,
i.invoice_num AS transaction_number,
initcap(jl.description) description,
jl.accounted_dr as debit,
jl.accounted_cr as credit,
Nvl(Jl.Accounted_Dr, 0) - Nvl(Jl.Accounted_Cr, 0) Net_Amount
From Apps.Gl_Je_Headers H,
apps.gl_je_lines jl,
Apps.Gl_Code_Combinations C,
apps.gl_import_references r,
apps.xla_ae_lines al,
Apps.Xla_Ae_headers Ah,
apps.xla_distribution_links l,
apps.ap_invoices_all i,
apps.ap_invoice_distributions_all ad,
apps.ap_suppliers s,
apps.xla_events e,
apps.xla_transaction_entities te
where ad.accounting_date between :startdate and :enddate
and c.code_combination_id = 6429
and jl.description != 'GB VAT - STANDARD TAX'
and ad.line_type_lookup_code = 'ITEM'
AND jl.je_header_id = h.je_header_id
AND jl.code_combination_id = c.code_combination_id
and al.gl_sl_link_id = r.gl_sl_link_id
and al.ae_header_id = ah.ae_header_id
and al.application_id = ah.application_id
and ah.application_id = e.application_id
and ah.event_id = e.event_id
and e.application_id = te.application_id(+)
and e.entity_id = te.entity_id(+)
AND r.je_header_id = jl.je_header_id
AND r.je_line_num = jl.je_line_num
AND l.ae_header_id = al.ae_header_id
and l.ae_line_num = al.ae_line_num
and l.applied_to_source_id_num_1 = i.invoice_id
and l.source_distribution_id_num_1 = ad.invoice_distribution_id
and ad.invoice_id = i.invoice_id
and i.vendor_id = s.vendor_id
order by i.gl_date desc
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hi, thanks for sharing. It´s helpful. My question, do you have one similar query but to get AR to GL through SLA? Thanks in advance.
ReplyDeleteThanks, very good query. Very well link invoice distribution table with xla tables.