Below mentioned is the core API’s that team uses to convert Oracle Service Contracts.

This API is used to create contract header information. The API is called using P_K_Header_Rec,
P_Header_Contacts_Tbl, P_Header_Sales_Crd_Tbl and P_Header_Articles_Tbl. Depending on your conversion
needs and the available information in the legacy application you would be required to populate each of these
in-parameters. However if no information is available for sales credit or contract articles you could leave the
P_Header_Sales_Crd_Tbl and P_Header_Articles_Tbl NULL. However it is a must that you populate the
P_K_Header_Rec with all the values. At least 1 contact information for the vendor should be created in
P_Header_Contacts_Tbl. The value for the contact_object_code would be ‘OKX_SALESPERS’. If you need to
create additional parties on the contract header depending on your billing requirements and other entity
relationships you may have to call Okc_Contract_Party_Pub.Create_K_Party_Role. Als o you would need to
determine in advance how do you wish to bring these contracts into the Application. These contracts can be
brought in as ‘ENTERED’, which would mean the process owners would have to submit the contract for approval
using Contracts Approval Workflow.


This API is used to create Contract Service Line for each contract header. The API is called using P_K_Line_Rec,
P_Contact_Tbl and P_Line_Sales_Crd_Tbl. Again depending on your needs and available information you would
populate each of these parameters. However if no information were available for the P_Contact_Tbl and
P_Line_Sales_Crd_Tbl, it would be okay to let them be NULL from conversion perspective. The key aspect of
service line API is to understand the relationships between the shipping entity and the billing entity. Especially
if the item is serviceable with a usage component and has been leased out using a third party company. Also
important is to attach this item with the appropriate Install Base record if Install Base application is in use.

This API is used to create Covered Lines for each service line you create. Before you call this API you are
required to set values for P_K_Covered_Rec and P_Price_Attribs_In. Depending on your pricing needs values for
P_Price_Attribs_In will have to be set. If there is no complex pricing requirements it is okay to leave the value
for this record type null. Values of certain columns of P_K_Covered_Rec should be same as P_K_Line_Rec e.g.
value for PERIOD in the record should be same as the value for the P_K_Line_Rec.Usage_Type or value for
Line_Renewal_Type should be either FUL/DNR/KEP.


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